
About Gregg Rosen:

Gregg Rosen is an artist who grew up and still currently lives in the New York area. Rosen believes he has been affected by the vertical buildings and the compositional grid of the city. While he paints and draws both abstractly and realistically, Rosen most fully engaged in an ongoing abstract series entitled, "Structural Landscape.” His aesthetic is one of problem solving the picture plane, and its logical and organic resolution. Rosen believes in a less subjective light that “good Painting” exists in the formal language of painting: shapes, edges, color, composition, brushstroke, etc. It is a language and dialogue that links such great and disparate artists, such as Vermeer, Hopper, Mondrian, DeKooning, Cezanne and Diebenkorn together. Their work, and this "way of seeing", informs Rosen's work and creativity.